Wednesday 30 January 2013

Revit LT

I was recently reminded about Revit LT.
Really, for the cost of Revit LT suite (why wouldn't you buy the suite?) it's a fantastic program.

If your new to Revit, or a sole operator or even if you run a small design firm with maybe 4 or 5 users this program is great value.

There are some limitations but for around $5k cheaper than a full version I'm sure you can work around them.

Here is a comparison Matrix from the Autodesk web site.

Revit LT™
Autodesk® Revit®**
Would you rather spend more time designing and less time manually coordinating construction documentation?
  • Each view of design created separately
  • Design revisions must be manually coordinated
  • All design information stored in a single, coordinated database
  • Revisions to your design automatically updated throughout every view
  • All design information stored in a single, coordinated database
  • Revisions to your design automatically updated throughout every view
Do most of your projects require you to simultaneously work in the same project file with others on your team?
  • Individuals work on separate files independently
  • Individuals work on projects or pieces of projects independently
  • Multiple users can collaborate on the same project file simultaneously
Would using 3D models help you communicate your design intent to project stakeholders?
  • 2D drafting and detailing only
  • 3D orthographic or perspective views from any angle of the model
  • Walk-through tool to create animations
  • 3D orthographic or perspective views from any angle of the model
  • Walk-through tool to create animations
Do you require the ability to create high-quality 3D architectural renderings to express your designs and market your firm?
  • Rendering not available
  • Autodesk 360 Rendering (available through Autodesk Subscription*)
  • In-product rendering capability
  • Autodesk 360 Rendering (available through Autodesk Subscription*)


Monday 28 January 2013

Copying objects through linked files

Did you know you can copy objects through linked files!

For example you receive the structural model and link it into your project, you can select all the structural grids and paste them back into your project.

you can also copy object that have parameters associated to them and paste them into your project and the parameters are then available to you, it's just like inserting the family itself! 

We tried it with a door and wall and it pasted into the view and we can then manipulate the properties and parameters of the door and wall successfully!

Being able to copy clip objects from linked files is great!!!


Friday 25 January 2013

Australia Day Jan 26th

Happy Australia Day to all my Aussie readers..



1978 School photo
Whyalla SA.
That's me second from the right with the big ears.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Deleted Level Datums

I just came across this problem where the Datum (or Level) Markers have been deleted whether accidentally or on purpose, then you want them back!

The Datum marker has been deleted but the view level is still there... and for the life of me I cant reproduce it...!  If anyone knows how to delete the datum's without deleting the actual level let me know...

Anyhow... if you do run into the issue where your datum's are no longer there but your levels are here's the solution.

Under the properties of the view set your Far Clipping to No Clip, then the datum's should show up (as long as your crop region is turned off).

Hope this makes scene!!


Monday 21 January 2013

Past it's End Error! Have you ever been past your end?

In a previous post I wrote about a warning message that stated that there were no warnings!
Warning... there are no Warnings!!

Kind or reminded me of the "Lost in Space" Robot.... 

Warning Will Robinson, Warning.... There are No Warnings !!!

I now have another funny error message produced by Revit!

Now, I've never heard of my Central File being "Past it's End" before, its kind of like my project has a expiry date? Or maybe Revit decided that my project is now complete and we have passed the end of the project?? 

Once I passed the rear end of my car but that's not really Revit related.....I digress.

Not really sure exactly what Revit means by this statement...? I believe it was caused by one user pushing a large amount of data to the Central file as another user was trying to pull information from the Central file...and basically Revit timed out with the sync...  Once the "push" of information was complete the "pull" resulted in no error messages.

I've had similar issues before with many people working on one project and having syncing issues, using the Revit Server resolves a lot of these issues.... 

Once the Riverbed issue is resolved the Universe can once again regain stability and there will be no Warnings from the Revit Robot.  

Nostalgic TV...

Thursday 17 January 2013

Are We Ready for 2013?

I just received a e-newsletter from "Architecture 2030" and read the personal message from Edward Mazria on "Are We Ready for 2013"

Its a great article so I thought I'd share a link, it's well worth checking out.

Here's a snipit!

"We know the urban built environment produces over 70% of all global GHG emissions driving this climate crisis. Today, five out of ten people on the planet live in urban areas; by 2030 it will be six out of ten people living in urban areas.

By 2030, we will construct over 900 billion square feet of new buildings in urban areas worldwide (including demolition and rebuilding): a staggering number roughly equal to three and a half times all the buildings existing in the U.S. today.

Over the next two decades, we will literally build and rebuild most of the global built environment.
This is our opportunity, our challenge."
I especially like his last comment "this is our opportunity, our challenge"... so true!
Eddy... an environmental Jedi.!

Monday 14 January 2013

BIM Poetry

Recently a colleague in my Vancouver office shared this poem with my originally written by David Shrigley
Its very apt for our industry...
It goes like this.

Map or model or design or something

of something rendered by someone

or a computer or both to help

somebody or a group of somebodies

to better see or understand or

something something or another

something in more or less detail

or something or from a distance perhaps

Here is the accompanying image I received along with the poem...
Thanks Darcy!
BIM Poetry

Monday 7 January 2013

How to use the Beam System Tool

I have created a short 5 minute training video on how to use the Beam System tool in Revit Architecture 2012, the tool is similar in RAC 2013.

With the Beam System tool you can easily create a layout and place exposed floor joists and roof rafters in your model. When done correctly you can alter the floor or roof sketch and your beam system will flex with the design.


Click this link to view the Viemo video. 