Wednesday 24 October 2012

Work Smarter... Not Harder

I'm all for working Smarter not Harder.....

I think that's why I'm a BIM manager... lol!  I'm a lazy tech!

So often I see people designing and drafting in 2D and I wonder why...!

On the other hand I quite ofter see Revit models that are "Over Modeled"! (but not in my firm). 

It's a balancing act, input only the information you need to output!

BimBuilder blog recently posted this Image below.
As he mentions, "you can walk from New York to California just as easy as taking a plane... but which is more efficient?" which I thought was a great analogy!

On the back of my business card is a quote from Carl Bass from Autodesk University 2011

"Tools are what amplify our capabilities"

I truly believe this... with the right tools (software in our case) we can design and create amazing things.

Get tooled up!



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