Tuesday 2 August 2011

Common Keyboard Commands

If like me you came from an AutoCAD background  before using Revit you found you were most proficient when you had one hand on the keyboard and one hand on the mouse. Quick short cut keys made it easy and quick to type commands than hunt and peck the icons.

Now with Revit we are more icon based because what we are drawing (or creating) is more complex than "dumb lines" so simple keyboard commands no longer cut it as more input is typically required.

HOWEVER..... there are times when keyboard commands can be used....... here is a list of the most common keyboard commands.

·         ZF = Zoom Fit

·         WT = Window Tile                                       

·         ZA = Zoom All (Used with tiled windows)

·         TL = Thin Line

·         MO = Modify

·         AL = Align

·         SE = Snap End

·         SM = Snap Mid

·         SQ = Snap Quadrant

·         SP = Snap Perpendicular

·         SO = Snap Off

·         SX = Snap Points

·         SZ = Close

·         SS = Turn off overide

·         MM = Mirror (along reference plane)

·         DM = Draw Mirror point

·         TR = Trim (Fillet, Trim Extend)

·         CO = Copy

·         RO = Rotate

·         OF = Offset

·         MV = Move

·         SL = Split Elements

·         PN = Pin

·         UP = Un-Pin

·         WA = Wall

·         DR = Door

·         WN = Window

·         LI = Model Lines

·         DL = Detail Line

·         LW = Line work

      ·         RM = Room

·         CM = Place Component

·         DI = Dimension

·         TX = Text

·         TG = Tag

·         RT = Room Tag

·         GR = Grid

·         VG = Visibility Graphics

·         GP = Create Group

·         PP = Properties

·         MA = Match Properties

·         SU = Sun Settings

·         UN = Project Units

·         CTRL +S = Save

·         CTRL+O = Open

·         CTRL+Z = Undo

·         CTRL+Y = Y Redo

CTRL = to add to selection

SHIFT = to subtract from selection or force horizontal or vertical

TAB = Cycle through selection or snaps

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the tip..! I was looking for the shortcut for TL. :)
