Wednesday 6 April 2016

Revit Text Editor

Are you frustrated in the lack of functionality of the Text Editor tools in Revit.
Feel that this important tool in Revit is lacking functionality that you expect and yet receive from other Autodesk software?

If you feel this way there is a petition that has been organised to encourage Autodesk to spend some time and resources to address some of the long standing issues that the text editor has. 

"Organised text is vital to convey design intent in a set of architectural plans.  The Revit text editor has had well-documented problems since Revit was acquired by Autodesk, the most significant of which is how the text wrapping changes based on the zoom level at which the text is edited.  Autodesk has never indicated that it plans to fix the problems that plague the text editor."

If you would like to participate in the petition click HERE.

I know Autodesk have been working on resolving these issues but these basic issues have been going on for long enough and it's time we see some action from Autodesk to address and improve the functionality of the Revit Text Editor.


Apr 12, 2016 — Autodesk has released a description of new features for Revit 2017 and it looks like the text editor has finally received an overhaul! A full list of new features can be found in the link below.


  1. Autodesk has already taken action. It was announced last year at the North American Revit Technology Conference. I believe it will be available in Revit 2017.

  2. Awesome, that's great to hear... I must have missed that announcement.

  3. I think this would be solved in 2017 release, as it is already in the helpfile.
