Monday 18 June 2012

Removing Sheets, Views and Links

Luke Johnson's Blog "What Revit Wants" recently blogged about a new add-in tool which will remove links, sheets and views for when you are sharing a model:

It is a common task to remove as much from a model as possible prior to sharing it with your consultants for the purpose of linking into their model or sometimes you want to lighten up a model that was sent to you for the same purpose. Delete Sheets, Views. and Revit Links does just what it says. You can select which of the three options you chose using the provided check-boxes.

This tool should only be used on models detached from central as it can be quite destructive.

I tried it out and it works quite well.....

This is what the tool looks like on your Ribbon.

Make your selection of what you would like removed.

Are you sure?

The results....shows you what has been removed.

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