Tuesday 2 June 2015

Collaboration Systems Panel Discussion. CanBIM Toronto

I’m moderating a panel discussion in Toronto at the CanBIM Regional Session on June 11th.

The panel discussion it titled: Collaboration Systems; How do collaboration systems and emerging cloud based systems bridge all disciplines across software platforms, offices & the field. 
We'll be asking the presenters 
  • How do they work? 
  • What are the options? 
  • What is the value? 
  • Where do companies begin the process of adoption?

Panelists include representatives from: 

Should be a great discussion and opportunity to see how each collaboration software fits your needs.

If you wish to attend please contact me via "comments" and include your email address, as a Director of CanBIM I can pass on a %20 discount code. 
Comments will not be published.



  1. Hi Scott, Sadly I'm UK based so attending isn't an option. Will the session be accessible remotely? alternatively it would be great to see the output from the session as I haven't seen reps from all of these Collaboration vendors in one place before.

    1. Yes I believe some of the presentations will be posted to You-Tube. Take a look for past CanBIM presentations on YouTube, I believe my last presentation is there if you can bear to watch it for 40 min!

    2. Can you define the whole process of Wall panel systems and Interior wall systems - Transwall

  2. I once attended such event organized by Procore, it was very informative. It is great to see that companies take extra efforts to educate us for the betterment of our field work.
