Monday 6 May 2013

Batch Upgrade Utility

Did you know that the "Media" you received from Autodesk that has your new software also has a "Upgrade Utility" that will allow you to batch upgrade your families.

I use this when creating my support directory for the new version of Revit, I'll copy my component libraries and run the batch upgrade tool so whenever you bring in the component it doesn't have to go through the upgrade process. 

To Use the Content Batch Upgrade Utility:

1. Copy Upgrade_RFA.txt and Upgrade_RFA.bat into the root directory of the library that you want to upgrade.

2. Run the Upgrade_RFA.bat to create the file list to upgrade, famlist_rfa.txt.

3. To launch the utility, from the library directory, drag Upgrade_RFA.txt onto the Revit icon on your desktop.

4. After upgrading, delete all backup files from the library.

Make sure all of your .rfa files are not read-only and delete all backup files from the library. 
If a particular family fails to upgrade properly, the utility will stop.
If this occurs, open famlist_rfa.txt in Microsoft Notepad, and remove all previously upgraded families and the failed family from the list. 
Save famlist_rfa.txt, and re-run the utility.

Here are a couple tips:
If your directory is broken down to categories (like mine is) do each folder one at a time, otherwise it'll dump everything into one folder.
You will then have to go through and delete all the back-up files that are automatically created, these back-up files do not have the traditional 001-002 etc numbers after them it's more like...your lotto numbers!

A friend of mine pointed out this Utility Tool too me so I thought I'd share... thanks Drew!


Update: Found this batch utility from Apps that works well also, it takes a little longer as it opens and updates the file in Revit.

1 comment:

  1. I have found I can run the files from the root folder, and it will upgrade all files as expected. It does however create the .0001 backup file in each directory as well as create the 2013xxxx lotto number backup file in the root directory. Afterwords I just use the search tool in windows explorer to filter out just those files and delete at once. A bit easier than running the tool for each sub directory.
