Tuesday 18 September 2012

Revit Tips and Tricks - Part 3 of 3

This is the third and final in a series of Tips and Tricks for Revit Architecture 2012 - 2013

11.       Locking a 3D View

When creating 3D views to use on your sheets you can “Lock” the view to prevent you from inadvertently orbiting or rotating within the view.
On the View control Bar select the “Locked 3D View” icon. Revit will ask you to give this view a unique name and to save the orientation. After this has been done you can now add text and even tag objects in your locked view.

If you unlock the view the tags will disappear (until you relock and Restore Orientation) but your text will remain and try it’s best to remain readable according to the orientation of the view.


12.       Dimension Center Symbol

When Dimensioning to Center of Walls, Openings or Columns you can specify the Dimension style to add a Center Line Symbol and even change the leader line style.

For Example, here I changed the leader line to Centerline and added a Center Line symbol.

Duplicate the dimension style and modify the settings under the properties of the new style.


13.       EQ. Dimension Enhancement Properties (2013 Only)

You can customize how dimension segment values display in an equality dimension.
           On the Properties of the EQ’d dimension you can now select:

  • Value - displays the dimension value for the segment.
  • Equality text - displays the Equality Text Label specified in the type properties. The default value is EQ.
  • Equality Formula - displays the Equality Formula specified in the type properties.

14.       EQ. Dimension Enhancement Dimension Edit Type (2013 Only)

When editing the type of a Dimension you now have the option to control the Equity function.

You now have the option to control:

·         The Equity Text. You can type what you would like displayed here.

·         Create a formula to show the value of the segments based on Dimension Parameters.
·         Edit the display of the Witness lines.



15.       Object Transparency (2013 Only)

Sometimes to clearly show objects in your model you need to be able to make some things transparent. This works well if your showing a office layout or Stairs in a 3D view, you can make the walls and doors transparent to clearly show the design behind these objects.

Under the “Override Graphics in View” you now have available a Transparency option where you can set the transparency of an object (or group of objects).


  1. Thanks for sharing revit tips and helping me out to get more knowledge..I am newbie on revit so searching on revit to get more details on it.

  2. I have a Generic Annotation Symbol that I use in plan views, in conjunction with the reporting schedule. Why is the Symbol button ghosted out on the ribbon? I cannot insert or use my keynote symbol/schedule in locked 3D view?

  3. I have a Generic Annotation Symbol family that I use on plan views, in conjunction with reporting schedule. In locked 3D view the Symbol button on the Annotate section of the ribbon is ghosted out. Does this mean I cannot use my family/schedule in locked 3D views?
