Monday 5 November 2018

Digital Collaboration and Its Impact on BIM Utilization - AU 2019

I’m inviting you to sign up for an industry Meet-up Session at AU 2018 that I am facilitating.
This discussion is on how we collaborate digitally and how we can further utilize BIM.
243547 - Digital Collaboration and Its Impact on BIM Utilization
Join your industry colleagues for a discussion about digital collaboration. Topics include strategies for successful digital collaboration and its impact on BIM utilization.
This is your opportunity to share your project challenges and successes in a casual unstructured environment, and to gain insight into the experiences of others.

Lando 4301A, Level 4

1 comment:

  1. Hi Scott! I found your blog by searching about Revit and came up with very interesting content.

    I wanted to let you know we have developed a Revit add-in that might be really helpful in case you want to use it yourself or include it in a next article.

    You (and everyone) can get it for free from here:

    Hope it helps you!
