Thursday 6 December 2012

AU and Known and Unknow Issues.

I got back from Autodesk University Last Friday and came down with the Flu on Saturday night! Aghhh!

First day back at work today and wanted to quickly put down some thoughts on some interesting things I found out while I was at AU.

My old nemesis has returned, this nemesis is so illusive he doesn't have a formal name and is only know as "Missing objects on my pdf!"

Thought I banished him forever when I first came across this issue a number of years ago (in my ACA days) we would print to pdf using an unnamed pdf print driver and random objects would disappear... objects like the the fire rating legend, or notation... you know the kind of things that can cause legal grief for an Architect! Needless to say this was quite discerning since everything looked great in the file and even in the plot preview. Granted this was before the ACAD to PDF that latter came with the new ACAD release and our solution at the time was to find a new pdf driver.

Well to my surprise I get a email from one of my Revit users asking why objects are not showing up!
Didn't think this would happen with Revit! (how naive!).
So we will now evaluate a new pdf driver!
Anyone else ever had this issue with pdf's?

We are testing a couple projects using Revit Server and have had a couple error messages stating that "This Operation could not be Completed", after asking around at AU I found out that there appears to be a known issue between Riverbed and Revit Server (wish I had known about it earlier...). anyway apparently the guys at Riverbed are working on a solution, in the mean time I have to look for a work around!

Speaking of Revit Server, I'm sure Autodesk is working on a better way to collaborate using Revit Server. File exchange on the cloud doesn't cut it, I want real time collaboration just like how the Revit Server should be used, but I don't want to have to deal with setting up a outside server.... Hurry up guys! ;-)
I think the new year wll bring some interesting changes from Autodesk.

AU was once again a blast, caught up with my regulars, Bruce McCallum from Dialog,  Brian Anderson (go see his session on BIM Management at AU and RTC), Gord Luckett from  Arrow Geomatics, as well as the usual Autodesk guys I know and not to mention my posse from BC and Alberta. I even sat and had lunch with David Light!

I also had the opportunity to meet some Autodesk icons namely Shaan Hurley and Scott Sheppard, met with Phil Read of M-Six showing the latest software (more on this latter!) interesting guy!

More soon!!!
I'm still recouperating!



  1. The Revit Server and Riverbed Steelhead WAN Accelerator issue is something that Autodesk and Riverbed are working on together. We are testing a sandbox hotfix currently. Most likely the fix will come from Autodesk and not Riverbed.
    The short-term solution up until now has been for us to create an an exception for each client (workstation) to disable the WAN acceleration.

    1. Awesome, thanks for the information.
      I presume you work for Riverbed? Any ideas as to when you expect the hotfix to be released?
      We'll try disabling the WAN acceleration.


